What to Pack In the Hospital Bag?

When you just got pregnant, packing your hospital bag might feel like it is years and years away. But time flies by so quickly, and you could be only a few weeks away from your due date, and the baby could be there any time. If you are a first-time parent, you need to be as prepared as possible.
You can start packing your hospital bags as early as 20 weeks or as late as 38 weeks! But know that you would end up packing and unpacking almost every day, and that is normal.
Not all hospitals provide you with all the items required for your baby’s birth compared to some hospitals which might provide all the baby’s birth essentials. In any case, it’s a good idea to bring your maternity pads, baby nappies, etc.
If it’s your first baby, bear in mind that you might overpack a little, and that’s normal. Overall the idea is to keep it simple and still have all the required baby birth essentials.
First, here are some of the ways to pack your hospital bag, or should I say hospital bags!. I got this advice from one of my best friends who just delivered a baby, and it made my experience to and out of the hospital stress-free.
- Pack 4 Bags. Now, don’t be overwhelmed. Packing your hospital bag this way only makes it simple, and you don’t have to scramble for things.
- Bag 1: Hospital Bag to pack all the Mommy Essentials.
- Bag 2: Diaper Bag to pack all the Baby Essentials. Most hospitals provide basic baby essentials. But in any case, do pack some baby essentials if not used in the hospital, you might use these essentials the moment you step out of the hospital with your baby.
- Bag 3: Carry all bags to pack all the Daddy Essentials. This can is only for carrying daddy or any other person who is going to stay with you during the delivery time. The bag can be left in the car and only be retrieved when required.
- Bag 4: A bag to pack all the “Just In case Items”! Fear of missing out?! This kind of packing will help you keep your mind at ease for those “just in case” thoughts be at ease. You can most certainly leave this bag in the car. You might need one or two items, or you might not need anything at all.
So let’s get packing!
What are some of the things to pack for mom in a Hospital Bag?
Below is the list of things that you must consider packing in your hospital bag. Rest, all can go into your “Just in Case Bag.”
- A comfy t-shirt
- Nightgown
- Flipflops
- Maternity bras
- Maternity pads and underwear: Postpartum bleeding can last anywhere between four to six weeks after delivery. Especially during the first few days after birth, regular pads may not hold enough blood. Your body also may not be back to its “usual” size (and shape) for a few months, too. Don’t rely on your normal-sized underwear to be as comfortable as they were during pregnancy.
- Toiletries Shampoo, toothbrush, deodorant, lip balm
- Candy and some healthy snacks: You will hardly eat anything during labor. Do keep some candy handy so your mouth doesn’t feel dry. The hospital will provide you food but do carry some healthy and easily digestible snacks while packing your bag for labor.
- Wet bag/trash bag: Use a wet bag/trash bag to carry all of your dirty clothes.
- Nursing Pads: Nursing pads are still an essential item to pack in your hospital bag as your breasts may leak at the early stages of breastfeeding. The nursing pads absorb the excess milk and protect your clothing from wetness and stains.
- LaxativeThere are chances that you will be constipated. Prune juice is an excellent natural laxative.
- Scrunchies/bands/clips for your hair.
- Nipple cream, you might not need it right away, but it is good to have.
- Socks: Pack some cozy socks to slide on to stay warm. Socks are an absolute necessity in your hospital bag.
What are some of the things to pack for Dad in a Hospital Bag?
- Clothes: A pair of clothes for the night and also for the next day.
- Mobile + charger + battery pack+Camera/Your Phone is your Camera!
- Some changes for vending machines
- Toiletries
- Pair of socks
What to Pack in Your Baby Bag?
In a baby bag like Pretty Pokets Diaper Bag, you can pack the below baby essentials.
- Diapers & Wipes: You need diapers! Lots and lots of diapers! For newborns, diapers and wipes are the essential things you must carry while packing your baby bag.
- Newborn clothes, hats & socks: The hospital might provide some of the infant items like onesies, blankets, and hats. But it’s a good idea to pack a pair of baby clothing when packing your hospital bag. Also, it’s essential to wash the newborn clothes before you put them on.
- One swaddle blankets
- Newborn Socks
- Warm blanket
Make your experience at the hospital stress-free by keeping it simple and packing only the required baby, mommy, and daddy essentials! Also, don’t forget those last-minute things that you might be using daily!