January 6, 2016

Enfamil Family beginings

Enfamil Family Beginnings


Join the Enfamil Family beginings and you will be receiving up to $250 worth of samples or gifts.Enjoy special offers, savings and support through pregnancy, baby’s first year and into toddlerhood.With the Enfamil Family Beginnings program, you’ll receive helpful support and expert advice timed to reach you when you need it most. You’ll also enjoy valuable savings. Join now and here’s some of what you can look forward to:

Special gifts
Formula samples
Timely advice
Valuable coupons
Special offers

Want to record your thoughts and feelings during pregnancy? Join Enfamil family beginnings for free and get a free tiny prints pregnancy journal.!

I got one with all cute pictures of my kids and  Family which I could put together on the cover..I use this to keep writing my TO-DO list!Each time I see the cover its an inspiration in itself!

Tiny Prints


Note: Once you complete the form an email will be sent with the promocode. You can login from your email to tinyprints website and pick the journal you like and proceed with the steps. At checkout you can enter this code and you can see that shipping is free.

Belly Badges

if you want to add more fun You Can also request for Free  Belly Badges.


Now to my experience!!..I keep getting these formula packs which are transitional formula or formula appropriate to the months my daughter is in as well as the coupons between $3-$5,which I always use to





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