Water Cycle Art Work: Mixing Science and Art!

Science can be fun with a touch of art! We recently started doing some science projects at home. Our project was about the weather(You can check the post related to our Science Project here). We were discussing the water cycle and thought why not bring in some creativity into our project? We came up with the below idea, “A Water Cycle” on a canvas with all the elements we could add in. We wanted to do something fun!
Here is how you can do it!
- Elmer’s glue
- Cotton for clouds
- Pre-cut Craft wood.
- Colored Sand
- Paint brush
- Paint knife
- Grumbacher Academy Acrylic Paint(you could use any craft paint)
- Liquitex Resin Sand.
- Canvas
Take a Canvas board.You could choose any size. For our project, we had used 18×24 inch Canvas. If the canvas is not available, you could just use Canvas Paper or any thick paper as a matter of fact.Now take your paint brush and dip in a little bit of water and brush your canvas, top to bottom. Let it dry. It takes less than a minute. Then take some Grumbacher Academy Ultramarine Blue Acrylic Paint and spread it over(the blue shade you are looking). You could also add in some Alizarin Crimson and spread it across. Then with your paint brush slight mark your mountains, rivers, clouds sun. These markings will give you an idea on where all elements go when you place them.
You could use Aluminium foil to place and mix your paints.
We have used resin sand and Colored sand to make our artwork bright and fun!There is no right or wrong in art!
Then we mixed up the Resin sand with a brown acrylic paint. Resin sand adds texture to your paintings. Use a painting knife (you could use a fork if you don’t have a painting knife!)to make the mountains.
Fill in the river area with Elmer’s glue. Take come colored sand and sprinkle it over.Fill in the cloud area with Elmer’s glue and spread the cotton over. You could just paint the sun with orange paint or like we did you could add a pre-cut circular craft wood. Same applies to rain drops. You could paint them with different colors to make art look color full. Tada! You are done. Let it dry a bit and just add some arrows to show the water cycle and some trees to show the landscape.You could also write what each stage represents, on a piece of paper and glue it.Isn’t it fun? The artwork/Water cycle will be going straight into kid’s room. It’s not only just artwork, but it tells them a story!