Vimaneaa | Mom Blog

Pampers Box to Laundry Basket Re-Use & Create!

Here is a Fun Project! Ours is a Duplex house and if you have a little one you know you have to be on your toes for whats coming next. So first few weeks I had spend sometime to analyse what is required..Things that topped the list were Diapers,Wipes,baby creams, pair of clothes, changing pad and some Misc stuff. With changing clothes comes the requirement for laundry basket.It was a constant pain to go up and drop off the clothes and also I was not ready to spend any bucks on another basket.Simple reason being I dint want to clutter the home with too much stuff.It So happened  one day I started using the Diaper box that we got. Then Tada! the “Eureka Moment! What unfolded later is below.

What is needed,
Any un-used box.
Adhesive shelf liner (got this in Target was on sale for $0.30(Reg $3)..Bought tons during that time.. Come on isn’t it a great steal!
Un-used edge protectors. Was not using these for ages.So why not use them now and as decor pieces?! You can use anything for decor, get creative!

Cut the Adhesive liner sheets according to the requirements of the box.
Slowly and carefully attach it to the box and with your hands try to flat out the  the adhesive sheet to remove the bubbles.

Important instructions:
Here is one Important advice. Don’t Peel off the entire sheet when trying to stick it to the box.It will be really tough to stick it.I had that issue first.
What you can do is peel the back paper of the adhesive a little bit then stick it to the box and slowly and carefully peel off  the remaining part.

Here are the Visuals

Final Fun Project!

Any project you want to share? Please do share and we will make it as part of the DIY section for our readers!

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